Sunday, February 21, 2010

Moisturizer: Friend or Foe?

Hello my lovely Bloggers!
- so my topic of the day is moisturrizer!
I can't even count how many times a day I get asked "so what moisturizer should I use?"
Well my loves, moisturizer is NOT for everyone!
It all depends on your skin & skin type.
-Oily Skin
-Dry Skin
-Red spots
-Problem skin (acne, excema etc..)
..... They key is to find what skin you exactly have. If you have problem skin..
I'd highly recommend you get your moisturizer prescribed to you by your Dermatoogist & or your facialist.
.. However Combination to Regular Skin types always get something with NO OIL in it.
ALWAYS use eye cream ant-aging whether you're 17-80 the earlier you start using the better! I prefer Clinque 'All about eyes' - Chanel's 'Precision' like also has an amazing eye cream. Dior 'Hydration' line again another amazing eye cream, test them out find which one you prefer .. They're all FABULOUS!

In conclusion about moisturizer in general... It is neither friend nor phaux. My biggest word of advice? DO NOT buy a moisturizer your friend has been using & making her look fab! Find the right one for your skin & FYI! It can take a LONG time! I myself am still searching for the perfect blend for myself!

Peace. Love .&. Glamour
-Jennifer Martini
Wise Girl Cosmetics

This week you will be meeting one of my fabulous employees.. Erica Durso, Maeup Artist, Wie Girl Cosmetics... Her insight and blogs are going to be fun & exciting I cannot wait!